Vocabulary bank 1гдз ответы к учебнику по английскому языку starlight 7 класс, баранова, дули, копылова

Vb1 starlight 8


Read the news headlines. In pairs, use the expressions from the box in GETTING STARTED to respond to them. (Read the news headline. In pairs, use the expressions in the GETTING STARTED section to answer.)


A 6-year-old boy was saved by his foster dog from a forest fire.

Hundreds of homes were damaged or destroyed in Haiti by tornadoes.

The earthquake survivors were found under the debris after 10 days.

Temporary shelters have been set up for the volcano victims.

One million dollars was raised for the victims of the recent tropical storm in the Philippines.

The last pieces of debris were cleared up by the rescue team.


A: It is said that a 6-year-old girl was saved from a forest fire by her pet dog.

B: Wow! So great!

Guide to answer

A: It is said that temporary accommodation was set up for volcano victims.

B: How wonderful!


A: It is said that temporary accommodation was set up for the victims of the volcano.

B: Great!

Interesting facts[edit]

  • In November 1995, Chechen terrorists planted, but did not detonate, a radiological dispersal device (commonly known as a dirty bomb) in Izmailovo Park. The bomb consisted of dynamite and caesium-137 removed from cancer treatment equipment. Reporters were tipped off about its location and it was defused.
  • There is also a stand-up comedy show in Russian television with the same name (Izmaylovsky Park), starring Russian comedian Lion Izmailov. The name is based on a word play, where Izmaylovsky belongs both to the park (where people get together for recreation) and to the surname of the show host.

Достоинства решебника по английскому языку за 8 класс учебник Starlight углубленный уровень Баранова К. М., Дули Д., Эванс В., Копылова В., Мильруд Р. (Просвещение)

Практика включает в себя выполнение разнообразных упражнений, позволяющих школьникам глубже погрузиться в языковую среду. Насыщенная программа способствует максимально полному овладению диалектом, что может пригодиться ребятам в будущем. После окончания школы они смогут легко довести знания до идеала, использовав их для построения успешной карьеры. Для этого подросткам необходимо задействовать все свои способности и внимательность, чтобы ничего не упустить из виду. Помогает ребятам в этом непростом деле онлайн-ГДЗ. Пользователи выделяют несколько основных плюсов этой книги:

  1. В отличие от бумажных аналогов, данный решебник не нужно носить с собой в рюкзаке. Ответы можно просматривать на телефоне в любое удобное время.
  2. Подробные сведения, включающие в себя перевод всех элементов упражнений, помогают школьникам разбираться в сложных языковых нюансах без посторонней помощи.
  3. ГДЗ идеально подходит для самоконтроля. Ребята, выполняющие работы своими силами, могут сверять результаты с пособием и сразу выявлять слабые места в знаниях.
  4. Незаменимым ресурс становится и на больничном, когда у восьмиклассника не бывает возможности обратиться с вопросом к учителю.

Таким образом, польза онлайн-справочника для учеников средних школ очевидна. Ресурс оказывается полезным в разных ситуациях, гарантировано повышает успеваемость и делает предмет более доступным для понимания. Пособие имеет простой, интуитивно понятный интерфейс. Чтобы понять , как выполнить домашнее задание, школьнику нужно всего лишь нажать на номер страницы, на которой упражнение располагается в книге. Исчерпывающая информация позволит без труда завершить работу, не сомневаясь в правильности ответов. Заходить в решебник можно, находясь дома, в школе или любом другом месте. Онлайн-доступ к данным открыт круглосуточно. Для просмотра нужен лишь гаджет, подключенный к интернету. Обязательно присмотритесь к нашему сборнику решенных номеров!

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1.1. Task 1 Unit 9 grade 8

Match the words (1-6) to their definitions (AF). (Match the words with their definitions.)

Guide to answer

1 – C 2 – F 3 – D 4 – B 5 – A 6 – E


1. drought: a long period when there is no rain and there is not enough water for people, animals and plants.

2. landslide (mud): a large amount of mud that flows down a mountain, often destroying buildings and harming or killing people below.

3. flood: a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry.

4. Tsunami: a large wave that can destroy towns near the sea.

5. tornado: a large storm with strong winds that moves in circles

6. earthquake: a sudden and strong shaking of the earth’s surface.

1.2. Task 2 Unit 9 grade 8

Use the words from the box in the correct form to complete the sentences. (Use the words in the box correctly to complete the sentences.)

Guide to answer

1. evacuated

2. put out

3. take

4. provided

5. scattered


1. The emergency team evacuated the village when the river flooded the area.

2. The rescue team is still trying to put out the fire.

3. Strong winds make climbers seek shelter

4. Many countries have provided food and other supplies to the people affected by the hurricane.

5. Debris from collapsed buildings was scattered across the sea.

Vocabulary Bank 1 p. VB1

Natural disasters
Стихийные бедствия

Упражнение 1

1 Use the words to complete the jobs (1-18). — Используйте слова для выполнения заданий (1-18).

1 lightning bolt  удар молнии

2 flooding наводнение 

3 hurricane  ураган

4 drought  засуха

5 tropical storm  тропический шторм

6 earthquake  землетрясение

7 avalanche  лавина

8 volcanic eruption извержение вулкана 

9 hailstorm  град 

10 landslide  оползень, обвал

Упражнение 2

2. Find the correct word. — Найдите правильное слово.

1 The avalanche victim stayed alive by creating an air pockket near his nose and mouth.

Жертва лавины осталась жива, создав воздушную яму возле носа и рта.

live — жить

2 The photographer got a perfect shot of the volcanic eruption.

Фотограф получил отличный снимок извержения вулкана.

shoot — снимать

3 After the flood warning, evacuating the local community became a matter of urgency.

После предупреждения о наводнении эвакуация местного населения стала неотложной задачей.

case — дело

4 Jon grabbed his camera and took a picture of the breathtaking sunrise.

Джон схватил свою камеру и сфотографировал захватывающий дух восход солнца.

caught — пойман

5 It’s important to take precautions when going ice-climbing.

Важно соблюдать меры предосторожности при ледолазании. make — делать

make — делать

6 The flood waters kept rising so we headed for higher ground.

Паводковые воды продолжали подниматься, поэтому мы отправились на возвышенность.

raising — поднятие

Упражнение 3

3. Complete with the correct preposition: from, in, on, under, to. — Дополните правильным предлогом: from, in, on, under, to. 

1 After the earthquake, food supplies were in high demand.

После землетрясения запасы продовольствия пользовались большим спросом.

2 The news reporters were on the scene within minutes.

Репортёры новостей были на месте происшествия через несколько минут.

3 The trapped caver was suffering from exhaustion and dehydration.

Пойманный в ловушку спелеолог страдал от истощения и обезвоживания.

4 The homeless hurricane victims spent the first few days in temporary shelters.

Бездомные жертвы урагана провели первые несколько дней во временных убежищах.

5 There was a freak storm and hundreds of people were stranded on the island.

Был сильный шторм, и сотни людей застряли на острове.

6 It came to my attention that Joe was still shaking hours after the earthquake.

Моё внимание привлекло то, что Джо всё ещё трясло через несколько часов после землетрясения. 7 The woman was clinging to her rooftop, waiting for the rescue crew to arrive

7 The woman was clinging to her rooftop, waiting for the rescue crew to arrive.

Женщина держалась за крышу, ожидая прибытия спасателей.

8 The tornado destroyed everything that lay in its path.

Торнадо уничтожил всё, что лежало на его пути.

9 The area remains under threat of flooding. 

Район остаётся под угрозой затопления.

Упражнение 4

4. What is the worst natural disaster you have read about? Where and when did it happen? What happened? Write a short paragraph about it. — О каком самом страшном стихийном бедствии вы читали? Где и когда оно произошло? Что произошло? Напишите об этом короткий абзац.

The worst natural disaster I have read about is the tsunami that hit Japan in March 2011. The largest earthquake in Japan’s history triggered the tsunami, which hit the east coast of Japan. A total of 15,500 people were killed and 210 billion dollars worth of damage was caused to property.

Самое страшное стихийное бедствие, о котором я читал, — это цунами, обрушившееся на Японию в марте 2011 года. Крупнейшее в истории Японии землетрясение вызвало цунами, которое обрушилось на восточное побережье Японии. В общей сложности погибло 15 500 человек, а материальный ущерб составил 210 миллиардов долларов.

← Предыдущее     Следующее →


  1. ^ «Измайловский парк. История (in Russian)». Retrieved 4 September 2015.
  2. ^ «ООПТ Исторический парк Измайлово». Retrieved 4 September 2015.
  3. ^ «Измайловский природно-исторический парк в Измайлово — история». Retrieved 4 September 2015.
  4. ^ «Izmailovsky Park». Retrieved 4 September 2015.
  5. ^ «Official website. History of the park (in Russian)». Retrieved 4 September 2015.
  6. ^ «Official web page of the park in vkontakte». Retrieved 4 September 2015.
  7. ^ «Измайловский лесопарк (in Russian)». Дирекция природных территорий «Измайлово» и «Косинский» ГПБУ «Мосприрода». Retrieved 9 September 2015.
  8. ^ «Inadequate Control of World’s Radioactive Sources». 24 June 2002.
  9. ^ ««Измайловский парк» Большой юмористический концерт. (en Russian)». Russia-1 official website. Retrieved 9 September 2015.

Преимущества ГДЗ по английскому языку Starlight за 8 класс Барановой (углубленный уровень)

Эффективный сборник дает серьезный резерв знаний. После его использования любой ребенок чувствует себя увереннее на годовой аттестации. Упражнения разделены на темы по номерам. Все уроки оформлены согласно нормам Федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов (ФГОС).

ГДЗ по английскому языку Starlight для 8 класса Барановой (углубленный уровень) имеет следующие преимущества:

  • образцы правильного оформления;
  • электронный, а значит мобильный формат – означает круглосуточный доступ с любого ресурса;
  • понятный поисковик;
  • присутствуют объяснения, а не «голый» перевод;
  • полезен для учителей;
  • имеются решения заданий.

Сами проверочные работы подобраны со вкусом, касаются различных вопросов. Например: катастрофы, окружающий мир, тайны человечества. Поэтому такой материал станет необходим в будущем для общего понимания, возможности просмотра иностранных фильмов на оригинальном языке.

Состав онлайн-справочника по английскому языку за 8 класс учебник Starlight углубленный уровень Баранова

Решебник с готовыми ответами — полезный вспомогательный ресурс. Он становится постоянным спутником многих подростков, ведь освоение иностранного языка – непростой процесс. Изучение новых слов и правил, а также их применение в устной и письменной речи вызывает сложности практически у всех ребят. Занятия требуют максимального старания, способности сосредотачиваться, использования образного и логического мышления. Помощь в таком деле оказывает совсем нелишней. Функцию репетитора может с легкостью выполнить решебник. С ним школьники успешно осваивают все аспекты программы текущего года:

  • чтение с пониманием смысла, перевод;
  • работу с текстами, ответы на вопросы;
  • грамотное составление словосочетаний и предложений.

Домашние задания с привлечением ГДЗ перестают быть проблемой. Даже при плохом понимании материала любой ученик сможет сдавать на проверку отлично выполненные работы. Впрочем, не стоит воспринимать ресурс, как банальную шпаргалку. Если применять его с умом , то можно улучшить не только оценки, но и знания. Как и учебный материал, сборник верных ответов разделен на несколько модулей. В пособии представлены выполненные задания разных категорий из уроков. Удобная навигация с номерами и названиями разделов позволяет быстро ориентироваться в информации и моментально находить именно то, что нужно.

Example Sentences


  • A blizzard is a severe winter storm characterized by strong winds, heavy snowfall, and low visibility.
  • During a blizzard, it’s essential to stay indoors and avoid traveling, as the conditions can be extremely hazardous.
  • Blizzards can lead to snowdrifts and icy roads, making it challenging to navigate the outdoors.


  • A drought is an extended period of time with significantly reduced rainfall, leading to water shortages and dry conditions.
  • Droughts can have serious impacts on agriculture, water supply, and ecosystems, causing crop failures and water rationing.
  • Conserving water during a drought is essential to help mitigate its effects on communities and the environment.


  • An earthquake is a sudden shaking or movement of the Earth’s surface caused by the release of energy in the Earth’s crust.
  • Earthquakes can vary in intensity, and their effects can range from minor tremors to severe ground shaking and damage.
  • Regions near tectonic plate boundaries are more prone to experiencing earthquakes.


  • A flood occurs when an area becomes submerged in water due to excessive rainfall, melting snow, or the overflow of bodies of water like rivers.
  • Floods can cause damage to homes, infrastructure, and crops, and they often result in the displacement of people.
  • Preparing for a flood involves having an emergency plan, sandbags, and proper flood insurance in flood-prone areas.

forest fire

  • A forest fire, also known as a wildfire, is an uncontrolled and rapidly spreading fire that consumes vegetation in wooded areas.
  • Forest fires can be caused by natural factors like lightning or human activities such as campfires or discarded cigarettes.
  • Efforts to combat forest fires often involve firefighting teams, water-dropping aircraft, and controlled burns to prevent further spread.


  • A hurricane is a powerful tropical storm with strong winds and heavy rainfall, typically forming over warm ocean waters.
  • Storm surges, high waves, and flooding are common consequences of a hurricane, making it a dangerous natural phenomenon.
  • Residents in hurricane-prone areas should have evacuation plans and emergency supplies in case of an approaching hurricane.


  • A mudslide, also known as a landslide, occurs when a mass of soil, rock, and debris suddenly moves downhill due to various factors like heavy rain or earthquakes.
  • Mudslides can block roads, damage homes, and pose a significant threat to people and property in hilly or mountainous areas.
  • Proper drainage systems and slope stabilization measures can help reduce the risk of mudslides.


  • A sinkhole is a depression or hole in the ground that forms when underground limestone or other soluble rocks erode.
  • Sinkholes can appear suddenly and pose risks to structures and roads built above them.
  • Geological factors and water infiltration are common causes of sinkholes.


  • A storm is a weather phenomenon characterized by strong winds, rain, thunder, and lightning.
  • Severe storms can lead to power outages, fallen trees, and localized flooding.
  • It’s important to stay informed about weather forecasts and take precautions during approaching storms.


  • A tsunami is a series of powerful ocean waves generated by underwater disturbances such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides.
  • Tsunamis can cause devastating coastal flooding and are often associated with significant destruction and loss of life.
  • Early warning systems and evacuation plans are crucial for coastal communities to minimize the impact of tsunamis.

volcanic eruption

  • A volcanic eruption is the release of magma, gases, and ash from a volcano’s vent, often leading to the eruption of lava and the expulsion of volcanic material.
  • Volcanic eruptions can have varying levels of intensity, from small volcanic eruptions to large, catastrophic events.
  • Monitoring volcanic activity is essential for predicting and responding to potential volcanic eruptions.


  • An avalanche is a rapid flow of snow, ice, and debris down a mountain slope, often triggered by various factors like snowpack instability or human activity.
  • Avalanches can be extremely dangerous for skiers, snowboarders, and mountain climbers.
  • Carrying safety equipment like avalanche beacons and receiving proper training is essential for those venturing into avalanche-prone areas.

This page was written by Craig Shrives.


At the end of the lesson, students need to review and memorize:

– Vocabulary in Unit 9

– Grammar:

+ Passive voice (Passive sentence) Used when you want to emphasize the action in the sentence, not the cause of the action. The tense of the verb in the passive sentence must follow the tense of the verb in the active sentence.

– Structure: S + tobe + V3/V-ed

Ex: Dinner will be cooked by her when you come here tomorrow. (Dinner will be cooked by her when you come here tomorrow)

+ Past perfect (Past Perfect Tense) is one of the important tenses in English grammar structure, used to express an action that happened before another action and both of these actions happened in the past. If the action happened first, use the past perfect. The action that happened after is used in the past simple.

Structure: S + had + V3/V-ed

Ex: Yesterday, I went out after I had finished my homework. (Yesterday, I went out after I finished my homework.)

– Communication: practice giving feedback to received information.

Vocabulary Bank 1 p. VB1

Natural disasters
Стихийные бедствия

Упражнение 1

1 Use the words to complete the jobs (1-18). — Используйте слова для выполнения заданий (1-18).

1 lightning bolt  удар молнии

2 flooding наводнение 

3 hurricane  ураган

4 drought  засуха

5 tropical storm  тропический шторм

6 earthquake  землетрясение

7 avalanche  лавина

8 volcanic eruption извержение вулкана 

9 hailstorm  град 

10 landslide  оползень, обвал

Упражнение 2

2. Find the correct word. — Найдите правильное слово.

1 The avalanche victim stayed alive by creating an air pockket near his nose and mouth.

Жертва лавины осталась жива, создав воздушную яму возле носа и рта.

live — жить

2 The photographer got a perfect shot of the volcanic eruption.

Фотограф получил отличный снимок извержения вулкана.

shoot — снимать

3 After the flood warning, evacuating the local community became a matter of urgency.

После предупреждения о наводнении эвакуация местного населения стала неотложной задачей.

case — дело

4 Jon grabbed his camera and took a picture of the breathtaking sunrise.

Джон схватил свою камеру и сфотографировал захватывающий дух восход солнца.

caught — пойман

5 It’s important to take precautions when going ice-climbing.

Важно соблюдать меры предосторожности при ледолазании. make — делать

make — делать

make — делать

6 The flood waters kept rising so we headed for higher ground.

Паводковые воды продолжали подниматься, поэтому мы отправились на возвышенность.

raising — поднятие

Упражнение 3

3. Complete with the correct preposition: from, in, on, under, to. — Дополните правильным предлогом: from, in, on, under, to. 

1 After the earthquake, food supplies were in high demand.

После землетрясения запасы продовольствия пользовались большим спросом.

2 The news reporters were on the scene within minutes.

Репортёры новостей были на месте происшествия через несколько минут.

3 The trapped caver was suffering from exhaustion and dehydration.

Пойманный в ловушку спелеолог страдал от истощения и обезвоживания.

4 The homeless hurricane victims spent the first few days in temporary shelters.

Бездомные жертвы урагана провели первые несколько дней во временных убежищах.

5 There was a freak storm and hundreds of people were stranded on the island.

Был сильный шторм, и сотни людей застряли на острове.

6 It came to my attention that Joe was still shaking hours after the earthquake.

Моё внимание привлекло то, что Джо всё ещё трясло через несколько часов после землетрясения. 7 The woman was clinging to her rooftop, waiting for the rescue crew to arrive. 7 The woman was clinging to her rooftop, waiting for the rescue crew to arrive

7 The woman was clinging to her rooftop, waiting for the rescue crew to arrive.

Женщина держалась за крышу, ожидая прибытия спасателей.

8 The tornado destroyed everything that lay in its path.

Торнадо уничтожил всё, что лежало на его пути.

9 The area remains under threat of flooding. 

Район остаётся под угрозой затопления.

Упражнение 4

4. What is the worst natural disaster you have read about? Where and when did it happen? What happened? Write a short paragraph about it. — О каком самом страшном стихийном бедствии вы читали? Где и когда оно произошло? Что произошло? Напишите об этом короткий абзац.

The worst natural disaster I have read about is the tsunami that hit Japan in March 2011. The largest earthquake in Japan’s history triggered the tsunami, which hit the east coast of Japan. A total of 15,500 people were killed and 210 billion dollars worth of damage was caused to property.

Самое страшное стихийное бедствие, о котором я читал, — это цунами, обрушившееся на Японию в марте 2011 года. Крупнейшее в истории Японии землетрясение вызвало цунами, которое обрушилось на восточное побережье Японии. В общей сложности погибло 15 500 человек, а материальный ущерб составил 210 миллиардов долларов.

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2.1. Task 3 Unit 9 grade 8

Decide which of the sentences can be changed to passive voice. Write them down. Explain why two of them cannot. (Decide which sentences can be converted into the passive. Write them down. Explain why two sentences cannot.)

Guide to answer

first. The tickets will be collected by Mr. Smith. (Tickets were collected by Mr. Smith.)

2. A play was put on by students at the end of term.

(A play produced by the students at the end of the term.)

4. The message was taken by Julie.(Message sent by Julie.)

5. The picture was painted by a local artist. (The picture was painted by a local artist.)

Sentences 3 and 6 cannot be changed into passive sentences because the main verbs are is (verse 3) and arrive (verse 6).

2.2. Task 4 Unit 9 grade 8

Match the two parts to make complete sentences. (Match the two parts to complete the sentence.)

Guide to answer

1-d. After our plane had landed, we waited an hour for our luggage.

(After our plane landed, we waited an hour for our luggage.)

2-f. We found out the train had left, ten minutes before we got to the station.

(We saw trains leaving 10 minutes before we reached the station.)

3-a. When we got to the hotel, we learned they had lost our reservation.

(When we arrived at the hotel, we knew they had lost our reservation.)

4-b. I had never really traveled, until I decided to study abroad.

(I had never really traveled, until I decided to study abroad.)

5-c. The waiter had taken my plate before I finished eating my meal.

(The waiter took my plate before I finished.)

6-e. As I stepped onto the bus, I noticed I had left my pass at home.

(When I got on the bus, I noticed that I had left my passport at home.)

2.3. Task 5 Unit 9 grade 8

a. Imagine five bad things that happened to you yesterday, and write them down. (Imagine five bad things that happened to you yesterday, write them down.)


– Someone stole my bike. (Someone stole my bike.)

– My sister broke my computer. (My brother broke my computer.)

Guide to answer

– My bike broke down on the way to school. (My bicycle broke down on the way to school.)

– I went to school late. (I was late to school.)

– My mother shouted at me about my study. (My mother yelled at me about studying.)

b. Work in groups. Add time clauses to yoursentences as the following examples. (Work in groups. Add a time clause to your sentence as an example.)


– When I woke up yesterday morning, someone had stolen my bike.

(When I woke up yesterday morning, someone stole my bike.)

– When I got home yesterday, my sister had broken my computer

(When I got home yesterday, my brother broke my computer.)

Guide to answer

– When I went to school, my bike broke down. (When I went to school, my bicycle broke down.)

– When my teacher came to class, she knew that I had gone to school late.

(When the teacher came to class, she knew I was late.)

– When my father came home, my mother shouted at me about my study.

(When my father came home, my mother scolded me for studying.)

The Power of Brain Bot

Brain Bot is an advanced AI-powered Telegram bot that can handle a wide range of school assignments, including those from the «Starlight» textbook written by Baranova and Duli. This textbook is highly renowned for its comprehensive material and challenging exercises. However, relying solely on a textbook can have its limitations. That’s where Brain Bot comes in.

1. Instant Help and Ready-Made Answers

With Brain Bot, you no longer have to waste time searching for answers or figuring out complex problems on your own. All you have to do is snap a photo of your assignment, send it to Brain Bot, and let the magic happen. The bot quickly analyzes the task and provides you with step-by-step solutions in no time. No more nagging doubts or uncertainties – Brain Bot offers ready-made answers at your fingertips.

2. Covers the Entire Curriculum

Brain Bot is not restricted to a single chapter or topic; it covers the entire English curriculum for 8th grade. Whether it’s grammar, reading comprehension, vocabulary, or writing exercises, Brain Bot has you covered. This versatile tool ensures that you don’t miss out on any important assignments while providing accurate solutions.

3. Interactive Learning Experience

Utilizing Brain Bot goes beyond simply getting answers. The bot encourages an interactive learning experience by explaining the rationale behind each solution it provides. It helps you understand the underlying concepts and methodologies, thus deepening your knowledge and improving your overall academic performance.

Izmaylovsky forest[edit]

This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (September 2015)

Izmaylovsky forest has a territory of 1608.1 hectares. The forest has a big diversity of plant species, including those that are endangered and are monitored by the Preservation agencies (almost 50 species). Rarely observed in urban areas, the transitional bog of the forest has originated from growing of the sphagnum moss. There are more than 25 species of lichens and 75 species of moss. The major part of the forest consists of deciduous trees, such as linden tree, oak, birch, maple. The Eastern part of the forest is constituted mainly by pines and firs that are more than hundred years old and were planted in the middle of 19th century as a part of the forest restoration effort. In total, more than 500 species are presented within the biological diversity of the forest. Some flowering plants are also preserved: various species of lilies, including Turk’s cap lily, orchids, etc. Many species are registered medicinal plants and are listed in the Russian Pharmacopoeia (The State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation), such as bistort Bistorta officinalis.

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