Across the curriculum citizenship перевод

Гдз по английскому языку 5 класс учебник ваулина, дули, подоляко


Making citizens is a major objective of contemporary education systems. Citizenship at first glance seems to be a complex concept and an extremely demanding educational process. The questions one might initially ask are: what does citizenship mean; how is it built; how is it taught; through what means and materials; what are its aims; what qualifications should those who teach it have; what age groups of pupils are concerned; how are curricula for citizenship designed; is the content oriented locally, regionally or globally; what is its relationship to sustainability and sustainable development?

In terms of curricula, this objective appears in two forms: either as a cross-curricular goal or process or as a distinct school subject with its own syllabus. Recent views of citizenship education academics, however, are not in favour of either of these approaches. They argue that for the desired outcomes to be achieved, citizenship education should be both a cross-curricular goal and a distinct cognitive domain, with its own materials and with specific time and space allocated to it in the educational process. The content of citizenship education today focuses on the development of an autonomous personality that is characterised by a democratic political identity and an understanding of and respect for diversity and ‘otherness’ . Sustainability is arising as a contemporary political value and curricula are oriented to conclude related content and activities.

The fact that nation building was a necessary precondition for the development of modern education systems can explain, to a certain extent, the ethnocentric orientation of education and the strengthening of national identity it has brought about. Nonetheless, this trait imposes constraints on the formation of a democratic political identity with a global view, and it restricts understanding of social pluralism and multiculturalism [].

The ability to live together in a democracy does not come naturally, it is an experiential and a spiritual process. The knowledge, skills and values that are the preconditions of living in a democracy should be learnt from early years to the adulthood. The components of citizenship education are school climate, curriculum and teaching strategies, pedagogy in the community and making the school a civil society forum. As Paulo Freire proposes, the schools should facilitate the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of the world [].

The traditional curricula, promoting the 3Rs (Reading, Writing, Arithmetic), do not seem to suffice to respond to current challenges. These curricula cultivate mainly literacy tools. Knowledge about the natural and social phenomena are the subject of the natural and social sciences. In particular, knowledge, skills and values about the socio-political organisation of the world are the domain of the social sciences.


Citizenship and sustainability are main goals for schooling in the 21st century. The plethora of questions about citizenship education and sustainability were impossible to be answered in this chapter. In this text, we have analysed the concepts of citizenship and sustainability, in the spirit of promoting the sustainable development goals, in order to highlight specific issues of their implementation in the school curriculum and teaching strategies. Citizenship education is a highly dynamic subject, which is of concern to the academic community and to education policymakers in every country and internationally. Citizenship is a subject that refers to the education of people to become citizens, to learn to govern and be governed.

Citizenship education concerns values, democracy, autonomy, peace, equality, freedom, collective action, dialogue, communication, recognition, rights, participation, tolerance and respect, empathy, responsibility, autonomy, cultural pluralism, problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, democratic dialogue, openness, transparency, sharing and publicity.

Education for citizenship is a basic purpose of educational systems, which has been linked to the formation and functioning of the nation state, and as a result, an ideologically ethnocentric curriculum has been promoted. However, in the era of globalisation and the contemporary problems of humanity, which transcend national borders, it follows that citizenship education should have a transnational orientation and a cosmopolitan content.

The sustainable development goals set all the parameters for the functioning of societies with a perspective of continuity, both of the institutional achievements of humanity and of the adequacy of the natural environment. Historically, the acquisition of citizenship has required significant ideas, thoughts, struggles, negotiations and institutionalisation. The political constitution of society and the functioning of democracy is both an achievement and a perpetual goal. These are not taken for granted and conquered at once. It is highly doubtful that they are to be considered as conquests that have been established forever. Democracy is not conquered all at once, as it is not a concrete and immutable form of government, it is a constitution that is based on fundamental political values. Democracy is an ideal constantly imminent, ‘to come’, as Derrida has pointed out. To safeguard the institutional achievements of humanity, there is no other way than to educate the new generation in democracy and the value of citizenship.

A 4Cs curriculum that could be drawn up to serve this purpose would be one that would provide for the following:

Civic and Political Values: The cultivation of civic and political values to be the ideological basis of the program.

Critical Pedagogy and Social Sciences: Critical pedagogy as a discipline and social studies is the appropriate conceptual framework for the study and formation of citizenship.

Civil Society: From a methodological point of view, the function of the school as a forum of civil society can promote the above-mentioned purpose in a creative, critical and open-minded way. With this pedagogical strategy, there will be no exclusions or divisions between us and the others, between insiders and outsiders, the teacher and the pupils, promoting pedagogy in the community. In such a logic without dualisms, knowledge is co-produced participatively, power is shared and responsibility and autonomy are promoted.

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Sao Sebastia о de Jaqara, Бразилия 20 апреля

Всем ученикам и учителям средней школы Mill House, привет из Бразилии! Я здесь всего неделю, но у меня уже есть так много, чтобы поделиться с детьми и учителями, которых я здесь встретила!

К сожалению, условия в деревенской школе здесь гораздо хуже, чем я ожидала. Например, здесь ученики от 7 до 11 лет и только 1 учитель, Мисс Да Силва, и она учит их всех одновременно. По этой причине они ходят в школу всего на 4 часа в день. Мисс Да Силва очень старается и она так занята, что невозможно помочь всем. Она также получает не очень много и не получает никакой поддержки.

Более того, если дети хотят продолжить учиться после 4 класса, они должны переехать и жить в Porto De Moz, город, где находится ближайшая школа. К сожалению, это означает, что они вынуждены жить с другой семьей и найти работу, чтобы оплачивать проживание и еду, так как это достаточно далеко. 11-летний ученик по имении Элиан рассказал мне чем занимаются его брат и сестра и он видит их всего 2 раза в год, когда они приезжают домой на каникулы. Он хочет закончить школу, но не хочет покидать свою семью. Ему бы не пришлось делать такой сложный выбор, если бы в школе было больше учителей.

Вы знали, что Бразилия – не единственная страна, которая нуждается в учителях? Более 15 миллионов учителей нужны по всему миру, так что дети могут пойти в школу и получить образование. Я думаю нам следует сделать что-то, чтобы помочь. Мы бы могли написать письмо премьер-министру или мы могли бы организовать какие-нибудь спонсированные мероприятия, чтобы собрать деньги. Почему вам всем не придумать какие-то идеи, и когда я вернусь, мы можем претворить их в жизнь?

Увидимся через пару недель!

С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Энн Майлз

Extensive Reading. Across the Curriculum: Citizenship, с. 33 Дополнительное чтение. В рамках учебной программы: Граждановедение

Упражнение 1, с. 33

1. How do you like working at school? — Как тебе нравится работать в школе?

alone – самостоятельно
in pairs – в парах
in groups – в группах

Предполагаемый ответ:
I like working in pairs.Мне нравится работать в парах.

Упражнение 2, с. 33

2. а) Look at the title and the pictures. What is the poster about? Listen, read and check. — Посмотрите на заголовок и картинки. О чём этот плакат? Слушай, читай и проверяй.

Working 2gezer! – Работаем вместе!

Working in pairs/groups is fun! When you work  in pairs/groups:Работать в парах/группах это весело! Когда вы работаете в парах/группах:

Look at your partner. – Посмотри на своего партнера.

Listen to your partner. – Послушай своего партнера.

Say ‘sorry’, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, – Говори «извини», «пожалуйста» и «спасибо».

Be kind and smile. – Будь добрым и приветливым.

Share your things. – Делись своими вещами.

Think of new ideas. – Делись новыми идеями.

Ask questions. – Задавай вопросы.

b) Now say three rules you remember about working together. — Теперь скажи три правила, которые ты запомнил о совместной работе.

Упражнение 3, с. 33

3. Use the letters to form verbs. — Поменяй буквы местами так, чтобы получились глаголы.

1 ask — спрашивать2 share — делиться3 say — говорить4 look — смотреть5 listen — слушать 

Упражнение 4, с. 33

4. Time to mime: Work in groups. One person reads the rules in Ex. 2a. The others mime them. — Время подражать: работа в группах. Один человек читает правила из упр. 2а. Другие изображают жестами.

Study skills Обучение навыкам
Working in pairs/groups Работа в парах / группах
Remember to use these rules when you work in pairs/groups. They will help you learn better. Не забывайте использовать эти правила при работе в парах / группах. Они помогут вам учиться лучше.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. 5 класс. Учебник. Ваулина Ю. Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О. Е., Эванс В.

Рабочая тетрадь 5 класс

Английский язык. 5 класс

Citizenship and citizenship education

‘Education is always a political act… It is impossible to remain neutral in education, all educational policies and practices have social implications’

Paulo Freire

Citizenship is a highly complex concept. Citizenship means being a member of a political community. The members of this political community have the same rights and responsibilities towards the state and other members of the community. Thus, citizenship is a legal status on the one hand, and a social relationship between citizens on the other [].

The term citizenship implies a relationship, the relationship of the individual with the public life and with the polity. It is the status of a person that makes him/her a citizen, and this is achieved on the one hand empirically as a process of socialisation and education, and on the other hand legally as a status conferred by law. In the former case, we have a de facto acquisition of citizenship, while in the latter we have a de jure conferment of political rights on individuals. The de jure procedure for acquiring citizenship varies from country to country, with differences concerning persons who have a first citizenship of another country or are stateless. Such cases are mainly migrant populations or refugees.

In her paper The Public Self, Virginia Rettinger describes the way in which the public self is expressed. According to her, the public self is that part of the self which is concerned with political and social issues. To a certain extent, all individuals express this part of themselves. The two forms of being, public and private, are manifested in situations and activities, which are clearly distinct from one another. For the formation of the public self to be achieved, understanding, nurturing and support are necessary. In identifying its main characteristics, Rettinger suggests that the public self:

  • seeks to express itself in the public sphere, a space where many persons assemble and which is open to all;

  • enters the public space with the aim of connecting with others through discourse and action. Indeed, political activity is defined as a number of people who speak and act together publicly;

  • focuses on public issues or problems, with the ultimate goal of producing a public good [].

In its strict sense, citizenship is a legal concept, and it can only be exercised in the context of a state. Citizenship implies a sense of identity, loyalty, and devotion to the idea that the citizen should assume responsibilities for the state, which is the source of the political rights he/she enjoys. Heater claims that instruction in citizenship, as a status and a right, can only be partial and distorted unless it addresses the issue of identity and loyalty ([], pp. 62–63). It is perceived as an idea or an ideal comprising of five constituent traits. It can be seen that the most clear-cut aspects are those regarding the legal, political and social status of citizenship. Civil citizenship is about the protection of civil rights, political citizenship is about the relationship between the law and election procedures and social citizenship refers to all things related to social welfare and social benefits. The other two aspects of citizenship, civic virtue and identity, are less tangible. They both refer to the experiential relationship between the citizen and the polity. Civic virtue, being a good citizen, means to behave in a politically moral way towards the state-polity and to your fellow citizens. The quality of civic virtue is based on political identity []. Essentially, political identity is free from the restrictions of the nation-state and the exclusive commitment to a unique level of political loyalty.

The concept of global citizenship does not relate to nation-states or similar geographical and political entities. Global Citizenship Identity focuses on the development of active and democratic citizens who are characterised by global consciousness, a shared understanding of current humanity issues and a strong interest in providing solutions. UNESCO identifies Global Citizenship as ‘a sense of belonging to a broader community and common humanity. It emphasizes political, economic, social and cultural interdependency and interconnectedness between the local, the national and the global’ ([], p. 14).

ГДЗ #2

Free Education For All

In my opinion, all children should have the right to a free education. They should have access to a school in their local area that is equipped with enough teachers so that the class sizes are less than 30 students to a class. The schools should also have enough books, supplies and facilities for every child. The classes should be for children of a similar age and education level so that students can get an education that is appropriate for them. I also believe that schools should teach practical subjects as well that will help children in deprived areas to find a decent job.


Бесплатное образование для всех

На мой взгляд, все дети должны иметь право на бесплатное образование. Они должны иметь доступ к школе в их районе, которая оснащена достаточным количеством учителей, чтобы размеры класса были меньше 30 учеников в классе. Школы также должны иметь достаточно книг, материалов и средств для каждого ребенка. Классы должны быть для детей аналогичного возраста и уровня образования, чтобы ученики могли получить образование, которое подходит для них. Я также считаю, что школы также должны научить практическим предметам, что поможет детям в бедных районах найти достойную работу.

6 Use ideas from the tapescript in Ex. 5 to write a short paragraph expressing your opinion about a child’s right to a free education. Sao Sebastia о de Jaqara, Brazil 20th April To all the pupils and teachers at Mill House Secondary School, Greetings from Brazil! I’ve been here for just a week, but already I have so much to share with you about the children and teachers I’ve met here! Sadly, conditions at the village school here are much worse than I expected. For example, there are pupils here from 7 to 11 years old, and there is only one teacher, Mrs Da Silva, and she teaches them all at the same time. For this reason, they only go to school for four hours a day. Mrs Da Silva tries really hard and she is so busy that it’s impossible for her to give everyone the help they need. She is also not very well- paid and gets no support. What is more, if the children want to continue school after Year 4, then they have to go and live in Porto De Moz, the town where the nearest large school is. Unfortunately, though, this means that they have to stay with another family and get a job to pay for their rent and food because it is quite far away. An 11-year-old student called Eliane told me that’s what his brothers and sister do and he only sees them twice a year when they come home for the holidays. He wants to finish school, but he doesn’t want to leave his family. He wouldn’t have to make this tough decision if his school had more teachers. Did you know Brazil is not the only country that needs more teachers? Over 15 million teachers are needed around the world so that children can go to school and get an education. I think we should do something to help. We could write a letter to the Prime Minister or we could organise some sponsored events to raise money. Why don’t you all think of some ideas and when I come back we can put them into action? See you all in a couple of weeks! Regards, Ann Myles

На этой странице вы сможете найти и списать готовое домешнее задание (ГДЗ) для школьников по предмету Английский язык, которые посещают 10 класс из книги или рабочей тетради под названием/издательством «Spotlight», которая была написана автором/авторами: Афанасьева, Дули. ГДЗ представлено для списывания совершенно бесплатно и в открытом доступе.

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Sao Sebastia o de Jaqara, Brazil 20th April

To all the pupils and teachers at Mill House Secondary School,

Greetings from Brazil! I’ve been here for just a week, but already I have so much to share with you about the children and teachers I’ve met here!

Sadly, conditions at the village school here are much worse than I expected. For example, there are pupils here from 7 to 11 years old, and there is only one teacher, Mrs Da Silva, and she teaches them all at the same time. For this reason, they only go to school for four hours a day. Mrs Da Silva tries really hard and she is so busy that it’s impossible for her to give everyone the help they need. She is also not very well-paid and gets no support.

What is more, if the children want to continue school after Year 4, then they have to go and live in Porto De Moz, the town where the nearest large school is. Unfortunately, though, this means that they have to stay with another family and get a job to pay for their rent and food because it is quite far away. An 11-year-old student called Eliane told me that’s what his brothers and sister do and he only sees them twice a year when they come home for the holidays. He wants to finish school, but he doesn’t want to leave his family. He wouldn’t have to make this tough decision if his school had more teachers.

Did you know Brazil is not the only country that needs more teachers? Over 15 million teachers are needed around the world so that children can go to school and get an education. I think we should do something to help. We could write a letter to the Prime Minister or we could organise some sponsored events to raise money. Why don’t you all think of some ideas and when I come back we can put them into action?

See you all in a couple of weeks!


Ann Myles

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